If you've ever been to a convention and noticed the person with the brightest smile and aura in the room, you've probably seen Steph. Don't let her positivity and bubbly personality fool you, however.
One thing she is very serious about is her content creation.
Her very first story, the one page 'Boot Hill', was a finalist in the Ghost City Comics Competition 2017, and it's been a whirlwind of activity since then.
For #TeamINSYM, Steph is the co-writer and/or co-creator of multiple titles, including: the all-ages short story series MISFITZ CLUBHOUSE (Scoot/Scout), HEIRS OF ISILDUR - Nightmare Scenario and HEIRS OF ISILDUR - The Perilous Prospects story arcs, and TALES FROM NOCTURNIA.
She's the assistant writer / editor on their far East Fictional fantasy horror title I AM QIDO, and served as the editor and creative consultant on HEIRS OF ISILDUR - The Crossroads Conundrum story arc. She was an assistant producer on the HEIRS OF ISILDUR vs TALES FROM NOCTURNIA musical album. She's also co-written the #TeamINSYM stories in the CTHULHU Invades trilogy and Holiday Spirits Anthologies from ORANGE CONE Productions.
She's participated on panels at some of the largest cons in the country, such as San Diego Comiccon, Wondercon, Megacon Orlando, Los Angeles Comic Con, Spookala, Geek'd Con, Spooky Empire, Long Beach Comic Expo, and Collective Con. She's also hosted / co-hosted panels at Ocala Comiccon, PalmCon and Aethertopia. She is also the behind the scenes research arm for #TeamINSYM MATT KNOWLES when prepping for panel hosting / emceeing.
Steph is also making a name for herself as a FREELANCE reviewer / columnist / contributor, specializing in horror and geek culture. Her over 90 credits include articles / columns for FANGORIA, HORROR GEEK LIFE, CREEPY KINGDOM, DAILY DEAD, and HORROR BUZZ.
Prior to #TeamINSYM Steph had multiple short stories included in anthologies, such as 'Bogey' (IF Anthology - Alterna Comics), 'Light Reflected' (CORPUS), and 'Hexed' (It Came Out on A Wednesday #1 - Alterna Comics). She was also a story consultant for Luke Martinez' graphic novel 'The Ascendant', and also co-wrote Hath No Fury with Martinez (Action Lab).