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End of '20 / Start of '21 - Part 4 of 4: FOUR things we look forward to in 2021!

We here at InSymmetry Creations have high hopes for the new year. While we feel it's important to look back and be proud of all we have accomplished (see article 1 of 4 in this series), we also want a roadmap of where we want to steer ourselves in 2021. Here are FOUR topics that are 'checkpoints' for us as we embark on the new year:


It's been a minute since we completed the 11 issue arc for HEIRS OF ISILDUR The Crossroads Conundrum and released the 268 page trade paperback (Q4 2019 to be specific).

We left our readers on quite a few cliffhangers (that we are reminded of regularly). What happened to this character? What's the fate of ____ ? Etc...

We had plans to release the first part of the next arc (The Perilous Prospects) in 2020 but, as we all know, the year did not go as planned. We had to pivot and adjust and make some business decisions based on the world around us, and thus HEIRS was pushed a little in relation to some other projects that had momentum. This is not to imply HEIRS was deprioritized. In fact, we have given the story MORE priority by pulling back and reviewing it with more eyes and a fresh perspective, utilizing all we've learned since we last released any chapters in our ongoing steampunk time travel saga. In the long run our approach to the way we disseminate the story and release it to the public should be a vast improvement.

In the coming weeks we will make an official announcement about what the next piece of the HEIRS storyline will be and when it will be released. We are psyched to FINALLY be able to get you all some resolution (and in true INSYM fashion create more questions) in the near future.


Just like with the printed storyline, it's been a little bit since some new music invaded your earholes from us. HEIRS OF ISILDUR - THE CROSSROADS CONUNDRUM, the 12 track album, dropped in December of 2017. Since that time you have heard new little snippets during our kickstarter campaigns, but that's all.

We are pleased to announce that we are DEEP into the writing and creation of the sequel album. There will be some more meaty information on this SOON.

While we can't reveal TOO MUCH just yet, some items we can tell you right now are as follows:

* It is currently 10 songs

* The cover art is nearing completion (pencils and inks are done, just waiting for the final colors)


* The songs will relate to our source material in a different way than the first album. What that way is... we'll unveil more, and soon.


If you've kept up on social media or are on our email list, then you have heard about my (Steph's) recent health concerns and subsequent major surgery to address it. While I was affected by these health issues for the entirety of the year, I pressed on as best as I could - doing podcasts, live streams, in store signings, and conventions, all while making the effort to appear as professional and involved as possible.

I can say with absolute certainty that I would not have been able to do any of those without Matt's support, patience, and willingness to "carry me on his back" during times when I was struggling. I'm happy to report that thanks to the surgery, the health issues have been addressed. Although recovery started off a little rough, I'm well on my way to being 100% again.

Knowing that I will be able to go through all of 2021 feeling better than I have in quite some time is both heartening and exciting. Although I always try to put all of myself into everything that I do (I still managed to run 1150 miles in 2020 despite how I felt), I look forward to being able to tackle everything personally and professionally with even MORE energy and enthusiasm this year.


The year that just passed saw a heavy emphasis on TALES FROM NOCTURNIA with FOUR different releases (TFN2, TFN3, The Trade Paperback book, and the 4 page anthology piece). We were also able to contribute a short prose piece to Creepy Kingdom's 'Tales From The Parkside', and a 1 pager in the upcoming 'Cthulhu Invades Oz' anthology. We also created and/or released a crapton of fun support merch (shirts, trading cards, wooden logo stickers, the insane leather DRAGON LORD mask, etc...)

As we have already stated above, getting some more HEIRS and music out are high on our priority list. We have quite a few other scripts and projects in the weeds that we are working on that also could be brought into the public eye this year.

Just know we are always looking for new and exciting ways to get our current/ongoing IPs further into the market, as well as challenging ourselves with new creations, whether it be a story or a new piece of support merch.

We appreciate all the support we've already gotten from you, our supporters, and we can't wait to journey through this year with you.

This draws our End of '20 / Start of '21 series of articles to a close. We'll end with two questions for you:

* What was your favorite INSYM moment from in 2020? (It could be an issue, a variant cover, a piece of merch, an online appearance, in person appearance, etc...)

* Is there something you'd like to see from us in 2021? (Could be something NEW, could be something MORE)

Let us know! Thanks!

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